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Updating and applying my old Surreal style sensibility for the future. This is the first part of 3D drawing I’m doing in TiltBrush. I’m finishing the largest Sculptures I’ve ever designed to date. This is a small part of a bigger picture. I’ve been constructing my own universe. It’s a total “trip” to travel across these incredibly long distances and explore these insanely large in scale structures.

*the very end clip is just me starting to wind down with the video game “Crashland”. More videos on this incredibly fun adventure yet to come.

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#tilt-brush #tilt_brush #tilt-brush #universe #space #spacecraft #spacealien #alien #spaceflight
#creation #stars #spaceexploration #satellite #spacetravel #spacecraft #planets #drawing #structure #grandarchitect #otherdimension #landing #buildingauniverse #desoltes #spacex #rollsroyce #exoterra #extraterestrial #0G #0gravity #shuttle #hologramart #hologram #spaceopera #spacewalk

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