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The metaverse is here, and it’s not only transforming how we see the world but how we participate in it – from the factory floor to the meeting room.

An NFT (Non-Fungible Token) is a digital asset that binds ownership to a unique item, like a piece of art, real estate, music, or movie. Nowadays, NFTs are regarded as collectibles and they can be bought and traded over the internet. These tokens primarily serve as digital evidence of possession of a specific object, though they could also have other use cases.
Based on their architecture, they are built on blockchain technology – the same technology behind cryptocurrencies – which guarantees the uniqueness of each asset & the validity of the token. It’s also incredibly difficult to change or counterfeit NFTs thanks to the way they’re built – smart contracts on blockchain don’t allow such stings to take place.
Metaverse is a term that goes hand in hand in any discussion involving NFTs. The term “metaverse” is a combination of the words “meta” and “universe.” It’s mostly used to allude to a coming future revolutionary change – dubbed “Web 3.0” – to the internet we know today. As the internet advances technologically, we can expect the growth of the technology behind virtual reality to massively increase, consequently making major innovations that can boost the overall augmented reality experience.
In essence, the use of integrated digital technologies to provide an experience heavily centered on virtual and augmented reality experiences is what the Metaverse is all about. As of May 2022, it is widely regarded as the internet’s next frontier, with the IT industry and other technology giants seeing this as an opportunity for major economic and financial turnovers.

This is not all about the whole Metaverse and NFT. To learn and understand more about the NFT & Metaverse, you need to dive into the ocean of Blockchain. And this is exactly what will be done in the 2 Hours session titled “Diving in the world of Metaverse and NFT”. The session details are mentioned below:

Speaker: Ms. Sristhi Assudani, Director – SettleMint (Blockchain Technology Made Simple)

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