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Congrats to the first buyers to own the first 100 Physital NFT in the world ! πŸš€πŸ‘ΎπŸŽ

As you all now, our exclusive sale has already launched almost 2 hours ago on Binance NFT, and already 100 lucky owners have purchased it and became of the first gamers in the world to own a Physital Kryptomon NFT!

The Physital NFT is a limited edition luxury items package, made from both legendary-tier digital
Kryptomon NFT game items AND physical luxury clothing items made by the most top-quality materials ever to be used to create physical game-fans items.

The use of only the highest-level of quality materials and adding the most scarce and strongest Kryptomon game NFT items that will be used in all Kryptomon games (2D/3D/TH and future titles) makes this luxury box an exclusive collectors item priced at $299 to be purchased only by the most hardcore Kryptomon trainers who can afford it.

Only 3,000 of these luxurious and rare Physital NFT edition will ever be made.

Get yours now to own a piece of history and get a once in a lifetime opportunity to own parts of the strongest core-elements that will exist in the Kryptomon universe.

Ever wondered what’s that “Kryptomon Universe” we are hinting about for a while now?… here’s a sneak-peak of what we have been actually working on for the past year, coming soon to your gaming devices. πŸ™‚

Buy yours here:

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