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In Li’s garden, a tapestry unfolds,
Where dreams and nature intertwine,
A hundred years, a life well-lived,
In each tree, each seed, a legacy divine.

Apple trees, with branches strong,
Bearing fruits of sweet delight,
Peach blossoms whispering in the breeze,
Promising joy from morning light.

Cherry blossoms dance in the sun’s embrace,
Their beauty a testament to time’s embrace,
A garden nurtured, a haven of grace,
In Li’s garden, life finds its place.

Raised garden beds, like stepping stones,
Where hands to soil, and hearts entwine,
Cultivating hope with every row,
As stories of life are intertwined.

Greenhouses stand, guardians of growth,
Where seeds transform to vibrant green,
A sanctuary for life’s tender shoots,
A vision of life’s resilient dream.

Peppers blaze with vibrant hue,
Tomatoes ripe, a harvest’s song,
Onions thrive beneath the soil,
In unity, they all belong.

For Mr. Li, a hundred years,
A journey paved with earth and care,
From every leaf, a tale to tell,
Of nourishment, love, and skies so fair.

With every bite of nature’s gift,
A step towards longevity,
In Li’s garden, a life unfolds,
A dance of health and harmony.

So let the seasons paint their art,
In Li’s garden, life’s tapestry,
A celebration of vitality,
A legacy of nature’s symphony.

In this family vegetable garden show,
With apple, peach, and cherry trees,
In raised beds and greenhouses aglow,
May Mr. Li’s long life find its keys.

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Here is a poem for the Li 100 Family vegetable garden show:

The Li 100 Family vegetable garden show
Is a sight to behold,
With apple, peach, and cherry trees
That grow so tall and bold.

The raised garden beds are filled with rows
Of green vegetables,
Such as peppers, tomatoes, onions,
And chives, so full of flavor.

The greenhouses are warm and bright,
With winter wax melons
And pumpkins growing strong,
To feed the Li 100 families.

This garden is a symbol of health
And long life,
A goal that the Li 100 families
Have set for themselves.

They work together to grow this garden,
And they share its bounty,
For they know that a healthy diet
Is the key to a long life.

So come and see the Li 100 Family vegetable garden show,
And be inspired by their hard work and dedication.
Learn from them how to live a healthy life,
And reach your own 100-year-old goal.

The Li 100 Family vegetable garden show
Is a testament to the power of family,
And the importance of working together
To achieve a common goal.

It is a symbol of hope,
And a reminder that anything is possible
When we work together.

*** Start planning your next global adventure with ease and convenience with our referral link: It is a great choice to plan your next trip! You can find and book flights, hotels, cars, and local attractions all in one place, and their price match guarantee ensures you’re getting the best deal. Thank you for kind support our Anhub Metaverse channel and please subscribe and watch more interesting videos here!

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