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Ep. 10: Latest trends in S. Korea’s metaverse development at Korea Metaverse Festival 2022

Ep.10: 국내 최대 메타버스 전시회 개막

South Korea is aiming to be a leading player in the global metaverse industry.
For the 10th edition of her “Smart Korea” series, our Shin Ye-eun dropped by South Korea’s biggest metaverse festival to see the latest trends.

Did you know there’s a way for you to visit a different country in seconds, buy products without seeing them in real life, and change your physical features on a daily basis?
It’s all possible on the metaverse, a digital universe where the virtual version of yourself can live a whole new life.

South Korea aims to become a pioneer in this new universe.
Earlier this year, the Ministry of Science and ICT pledged to provide financial support for metaverse tech engineers and companies, so that by 2026, the country is one of the top five global metaverse leaders.

“Then how much progress has South Korea made so far?
You can check here at the biggest metaverse festival in the country.
The festival’s organizers like the Science Ministry have given out nine ‘Korea Metaverse awards’ to key players that have expanded this virtual world this year.”

I was able to meet some of the top award winners and discuss the future of the metaverse industry.

“The metaverse is bound to expand even further. There’s growing demand among users familiarized with online platforms to make digital avatars of themselves. That’s where virtual human companies like ours come in. I can’t wait to see a mass of new content appear in this new virtual universe.”

One type of content that caught the eye of officials was an interactive game showing the life of a multicultural teen living in Korea.
The team of university students, dubbed “Culture Knock”, made this game content to raise awareness of the social stigma and difficulties children from multicultural households go through.

“We thought the metaverse would be the perfect place to deliver our message. We wanted users to immerse themselves into the game and feel as if the character’s life was their actual experience.”

A range of industries are making their footprint in the metaverse.
This year’s Korea Metaverse Festival runs in Seoul until Saturday.
Shin Ye-eun, Arirang News.

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2022-10-14, 12:30 (KST)

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